Orthodox Carthage and Northern Africa

Arrival of Orthodoxy:
1st Century: Some of the Seventy-Disciples
Saint Crescens
Some of the Sicilian Martyrs
North African Primacy:
Saint Cyprian of Carthage
through the 7th Century
1st Century: Some of the Seventy-Disciples
Saint Crescens
Some of the Sicilian Martyrs
North African Primacy:
Saint Cyprian of Carthage
through the 7th Century
Carthage, in addition to no longer existing in the modern day, is certainly one of the smaller regions of the historical Orthodox Church. We know, however, that size is not what makes the Church glorious. The glory of the Church is in God and his saints, and despite being the smaller of the Western Churches, the saints of Carthage and Northern Africa shine brightly. May we all live to see the return of a great See of Holy Orthodoxy in Northern Africa.

Informal Patron
Saint Monica
Saint Monica

Saint Perpetua the Martyr of Carthage & the Catechumens: Saturus, Revocatus, SAturninus, Secundulus and Felicitas

Informal Patron
Saint Quodvultdeus
Saint Quodvultdeus

The Orthodox Saints of Carthage and Northern Africa
Alypius of Thagaste

Date: b. ~4th century, d. ~early 5th century
Region: Tagaste (Modern Algeria)
Ministry: Bishop
Feast day: August 15
Region: Tagaste (Modern Algeria)
Ministry: Bishop
Feast day: August 15
Saint Arcadius of Mauretania

Saint Felix of Hadrumetum

Saint Felix of Thibiuca

Saint Gaudiosus of Naples

Date: d. 455
Region: Proconsular Northern Africa
Ministry: Bishop, originally in Abitina and later fled to Naples
Feast day: 27 October
Region: Proconsular Northern Africa
Ministry: Bishop, originally in Abitina and later fled to Naples
Feast day: 27 October
Saint Martyrs of Massa Candida

Saint Monica of Hippo

Date: b. 332, d. 387
Region: Hippo & Ostia
Ministry: Faithful mother of Saint Augustine
Feast day: 27 August
Region: Hippo & Ostia
Ministry: Faithful mother of Saint Augustine
Feast day: 27 August
Saint Martyrs of Abitinae

Saint Valerian of Abbenza

Saint Victorian, Frumentius and Companions